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HIV/AIDS Awareness Days

February 7th

The day was founded by 5 National Organizations (Concerned Black Men Inc, of Philadelphia; Health Watch Information and Promotion Services, Inc; Jackson State University-Mississippi Urban Research; National Black Alcoholism and Addiction Council; and National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS). This awareness day is overseen by the National BHAAD Strategic Leadership Council. There are 4 primary targets of the day: education, testing, involvement and treatment. Healthy Black Communities (HBC) serves as the lead organization for this mobilizing initiative.

March 10th

The day is coordinated by the The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, Office on Women's Health. The goal of this day is to aid other organizations in educating young women and girls about the importance of getting tested for HIV as well as valuable prevention strategies. The day seeks to focus on issues that specifically affect women and girls.

March 20th

The lead organizations for this day are The National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC), Commitment to Action for 7th Generation Awareness & Education: HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (CA7AE-HAPP), and Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc (ITCA). The focus of the day is to bring light to the growing rate of HIV among the Native American communities. The day pinpoints the need to work in harmony to bring more awareness to HIV’s impact on the Native American Community.

April 10th

The purpose of this awareness day is to educate the public about the impact of HIV/AIDS on young people and to highlight the amazing work young people are doing across the country to fight the HIV & AIDS epidemic.

May 18th

May 18 is the annual observance of HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. The day is to recognize the work contributed by all members of the community to combat HIV/AIDS by aiming to create an effective vaccine for the disease. The lead organizations for the day are the Academy of Education Development and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.

May 19th

May 19 is the annual observance of the National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The day was established by the Banyan Tree Project in 2005. Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center serves as the lead organization for this awareness day. As a part of the awareness day HIV/AIDS services are made available to the Asian and Pacific Islander Communities as a means of bringing awareness to the issue and reducing stigma.

June 8th

The annual Caribbean-American Health/AIDS Awareness Day was created to provide Caribbean-Americans with resources, HIV/AIDS health education, evaluation, and opportunities for involvement. The goal is to beat the odds and to ensure that we cultivate a health conscious atmosphere within our communities. 

June 27th

June 27 is the annual observance of National HIV testing day. The day is coordinated by the National Association of people with AIDS. The goal of the day is encourage individuals to get tested. Early diagnosis of the disease is imperative to survival.

September 18th

National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day is a national campaign highlighting the complex issues related to HIV prevention, care and treatment for aging populations in the United States.

September 27th

September 27 is the annual observance of the National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The focus of the day is to bring awareness to the growing issue of HIV/AIDS in the gay community while motivating individuals to get tested and attain services. The lead organization for this event is the National Association of People living with AIDS.

October 15th

The goal of the day is to aid in building capacity for health departments and non-profit organizations to be able to reach the Latino community. The lead organization for this day is the Latino Commission on AIDS.

December 1st

December 1st is the annual observation of World AIDS day. The focus of the day is to bring awareness to the impact of HIV/AIDS on the global community. This marks a day for awareness and celebration of achievements in HIV/AIDS treatment and preventive care.

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